Viking News

Viking View

Legislature: There are many bills being introduced in the legislature affecting public education. Some are positive and some negative. I would encourage everyone to pay close attention to any of the bills but especially HB 203. It fundamentally changes a school district’s ability to control out of district enrollment while affecting taxpayers/school districts in a negative way. School districts in the Mission Valley will be hit harder than most due to the mobility of students throughout the Mission Valley. If you have questions about the legislature and public education bills please call the office. You can also find information on the Montana School Board Association website.

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Viking View

Normal School Day on Jan. 6: This Friday is a normal school day 7:50 AM to 4:00 PM.

Semester Ending: The first semester ends on Jan. 12. Please be sure to keep up with your student’s progress. High School students thinking of changing classes in their daily schedule should be visiting with Ms. Michels about those changes right now. If your student is thinking about Montana Digital Academy Classes have them see Mr. Love as soon as possible.

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Viking View

Philipsburg Basketball Game: We talked to Phillipsburg about 10 minutes ago and we are heading out to play as scheduled. 3:30 JVB, VG, VB.

Weather Impact: At this time we still plan to have school and compete in our scheduled games this week. If there are any changes, delays, or cancellations we will post those announcements on facebook, notify 750 KERR Radio, and email information as well.

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Viking View

Music Concerts: The Christmas concerts the last two evenings were very successful. The students, Mrs. Madden, and elementary classroom teachers did a great job. I hope you were able to attend.

Change to Pburg Game: There will be no JVG game @ PBurg on Tuesday. As soon as we get game times confirmed we will post it.

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Viking View

Tis the Season! Thank you to parents and local citizens for the assistance with finding student’s appropriate winter clothes, helping pay for participation fees, and helping with breakfast/lunch fees. Our families really appreciate it!

Shot Clock: We had a rehearsal for several volunteers to learn about running the shot clock last week. We could still use more help with either running the score clock or the shot clock. Our first home basketball games begin Dec. 17. If you can help us out during JV and Varsity games with running the shot clock, score clock, scorebooks, or ticket taking please contact Lorri O’Neill at [email protected].

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Viking View

SUPER SUBSTITUTES! This week we were hit with lots of staffing issues but because of our employees covering in other areas and our local substitutes, we kept everything running. Thank you to all of our subs in the community for always pitching in, sometimes as the last second: Alyssa Cahoon, Kandy Carey, Melissa Coleman, Crystal Stipe, Kendra Alder, Nichole Cote, Joe Bartlett, and Dana Darlington. I hope I didn’t miss anyone. We could not keep the doors open without you!

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Thanksgiving Viking View!

Thankful! We are so grateful to community members who have helped out with paying on participation fees and lunch accounts for some of our families this year. We are also thankful to those who have donated warm coats, snow pants, gloves, and hats to our students. There is always a need and it seems like the Viking Family always comes through! Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

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Viking View

Parents of 6-12 Students: Students signed up for food donations to be turned in today for the Student Council’s food drive. Unfortunately very few items were turned in to the Student Council. Please talk to your student about the item they signed up for and turn it into Student Council on Monday. Please help their food drive to be a success. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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Viking View

Veterans Day Appreciation: On behalf of the Board of Trustees, Charlo Staff, and Charlo Students here at the school, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all Veterans. We are so grateful to the men and women that have served our country. Your service and sacrifice have not been forgotten. If you know a Veteran please tell them thanks!

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Viking View

Breakfast and Lunch: Please pay your lunch/breakfast bills. Unfortunately, we have many accounts that are behind. We understand times are difficult for some and we are doing our best to work with families. Paying ahead on the account is a best practice. Paying something on the account each week is great to keep the account active. The school district has obligations to the lunch program that we must follow. We are working on making debit card payments available too. We are not sure when that will become active. If you have questions please call 644-2206 if you have questions.

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