Viking News

Viking View

School’s Out for Summer! Alice Cooper’s hit song has been blaring in schools across Montana this week. It has been an interesting and challenging school year for many different reasons, every school year is for that matter. At the end of the day we have a lot to be grateful for as the majority of students performed at high levels. Our staff worked hard all year to help students grow academically, emotionally, and physically. I hope everyone has a wonderful Summer!

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Viking View

2023-2024 Staffing: It’s no secret that Charlo is losing some amazing staff members. We are going to miss all of them. It’s also no secret that replacing anyone these days is extremely difficult no matter the line of work. It’s arguably worse in the field of education. Despite all of that, we are doing our very best to find people for positions we need in order to make next year work. To date, we have hired 3 new teachers and 4 new coaches. We have been working very hard to recruit and reassign current staff to offer the same classes to students next year that we offered this year. We still have several coaching positions open. Currently we have Junior High Football, Junior High Girls Basketball and Junior High Boys Basketball: if you have any interest in any of these positions please contact Steve Love at 644-2206 ext 230 or email him [email protected]. If you have questions about next year please contact the office at 644-2206.

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Viking View

Non-resident applications: Each year students who attend Charlo but do not reside in our school district must apply for enrollment each year. Applications can be picked up in the District Office, downloaded from the school website, or call 644-2206 to have one mailed to you.

Countdown: The countdown has started. There are only 6 days left in the school year. Be sure to call about paying fees: lunch, library, shop, athletics, etc. If you have questions please call the office with any questions 644-2206.

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Viking View

Non-resident applications: Each year students who attend Charlo but do not reside in our school district must apply for enrollment each year. Applications can be picked up in the District Office, downloaded from the school website, or call 644-2206 to have one mailed to you.

Coaching Positions Available: We still have several coaching positions open and could use some help! Currently we have Assistant High School Volleyball and Junior High Football: if you have any interest in any of these positions please contact Steve Love at 644-2206 ext 230 or email him [email protected].

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Viking View

I hope this is not the “New Normal”: Everywhere you go there are shortage of workers. Public schools are no different. The teacher shortage is very real and very challenging. We are dealing with those shortages as best we can. Coaching is another place where there are shortages. We have several openings listed below. Finding help with running extra-curricular activities is another issue. For the first time since I can remember we were unable to get enough help to run a junior high track meet this year. Other schools are having the same issues with getting help. Several schools who normally host a track meet could not get volunteers to work therefore the number of track meets has dwindled. Whether it is sports at school, AAU sports, 4H, or the county fair: parents who want their kids to have the same opportunities they had need to step up! We get closer and closer all the time to cancelling more events due to the lack of help running those events. If there is anything you can do to help please contact the office. We are already planning for next year and will need help with tickets, line judging, score books, score clocks, shot clocks, etc. Forfeiting games or cancelling games are becoming more of a reality without help from parents and community.

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Viking View

School Election Ballots: The mail in ballots for the trustee election are due May 2. If you did not get a ballot but feel you should have please contact the Lake County Elections Office.

Lunch and Breakfast: Please pay your student’s breakfast and lunch bills. Letters went out this week and we want to do our best to work with families during these tough economic times. We can see about setting up payment plans. We are also set up to pay via credit or debit card through Infinite Campus. If you have questions please contact the office 644-2206.

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Viking View

Book Fair: The BOGO book fair will be next week, April 17-21! If you have questions please contact Mrs. Petersen 644-2206 ext 223.

Mid-Term 4th Qtr: The last month of school is coming fast! Next week is the mid-term of the 4th Qtr so be on the look out for progress reports the following week. There is always a lot to keep track of with grades and communication with teachers is the best way to be proactive.

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Viking View

Charlo Volunteer Fireman’s Fund Raiser: The Charlo Volunteer Firemen will be hosting their 29th annual fund raiser this Saturday, April 15th at the school. Dinner starts at 4:30! Please come support these folks as they are such a vital part of our community!

Safety Survey: If you have not completed the safety survey please do so. The survey is available on the school website on the left hand side of the page. If you have any questions please contact the office at 644-2206.

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Viking View

Safety Survey: In the past year the Board of Trustees has made improvements with safety at school. They have increased physical features around campus and been discussing ways to help on other ways too. A survey went out at the beginning of this week and again this morning, requesting ideas and thoughts from parents/community members/staff. It is a short survey and the more peopled who participate in it the better the trustees will know how our community feels about safety issues at school. Please take the time to complete the survey. If you have already completed the survey we really appreciate it. If you missed the email the survey is available on the school website on the lower left hand part of your screen. If you have questions please contact the office at 644-2206.

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Viking View

Junior Prom: This Saturday is the Junior Prom. The dance will be at Rugged Horizons 62143 Blood Ranch in St. Ignatius. The grand march is at 8 PM.

Vaccination Clinic on Tuesday April 18th, 2023: The Lake County Health Department will be offering Tdap vaccinations to the 6th graders at Charlo School. Current Montana law requires that each child receive a Tdap prior to entering 7th grade. We are also offering Meningococcal and HPV vaccines to all eligible students. Letters have been sent out to parents of 6th graders who haven’t gotten their Tdap vaccine yet. If you would like to have your child participate in the school vaccine clinic please return the consent forms mailed to you no later than April 13th or stop by the office where additional forms are available. Please include the necessary payment/insurance information, however no student will be turned away due to inability to pay. Any questions please feel free to call either Leigh Johnson RN Lake County Health Dept 406-883-7314 or myself Marie Evans LPN Charlo School Nurse 406-644-2206

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