Viking View

End of 1st Quarter: Nov. 4 is the end of the 1st quarter. If there are any questions about grades please contact your teacher. Report cards go out the following week.

Morning Drop Offs: Please travel North to South when dropping off students in the morning. This is the same direction that buses are traveling. This allows everyone to exit to the same side of the school. We still have folks traveling the opposite direction and then students have to cross the street against traffic. It is dark in the morning. It is busy in the morning. Please help us keep everyone safe.

Pay attention to signs: Please DO NOT PARK in the student unloading areas before school or after school.

Proper Clothing at School: It is much colder these days, especially in the morning. Please send kids to school with proper warm clothing. It is that time of year to be prepared for any type of weather!

Sickness at School: We are still seeing plenty of sickness at school. We are very grateful to everyone cooperating with our requests to mask up or stay home when having symptoms. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


October 28th

October 29th

November 4th

November 5th

November 6th