Viking View

Friday, Jan. 5 is a regular school day 7:50 am to 4:00 pm.

SURVEY: We have sent out a comprehensive needs assessment survey for all parents, community members, staff, and students to complete. This survey will give administration and trustees information on how the community feels about the school so they can address areas of weakness and continue to maintain areas of strength. Please complete the survey online or call the office at 644-2206 to have one mailed to you. If you have issues completing the survey contact Mario Villalobos at 644-2206 ext 275 or email him [email protected].

Arlee Basketball Game Concessions: Arlee will be having Brisket and MacnCheese Meal Deals at the basketball game Friday evening. Cost will be $10.

Winter Sports: We will need help with score clocks, shot clocks, scorebooks, and ticket taking for basketball. If you can help us out please contact the office 644-2206 or email [email protected].

Athletic Schedules: Just this week 3 games have changed due to various situations. The best way to keep up with the basketball schedule and the school schedule for that matter, is to get on our school website which is At the top of the page click on calendars and you will then see a current monthly calendar. Changes in times and places are made on that calendar. As always please call the office 644-2206 if you have any questions.

Substitutes: We are so grateful for those on our substitute list but that list is a pretty short one. If you have any interest in helping us out, we are always looking for substitute teachers, bus drivers, custodians, and cooks to help fill in when regular employees have to be gone. If you would like to be on our substitute list please contact the office for more information at 644-2206. We could really use the help.

Breakfast/Lunch Bill: Please make sure you student’s meals are paid up in a timely fashion. The best practice is to pay ahead. If you have any questions please contact the office.

Weather Changes: With the change in weather and daylight savings time ending please stay tuned to 750 KERR Radio or follow our school facebook page for the latest updates on possible school delays and/or closures. We try to make decisions by 6:45 AM when there is unfriendly weather or bad road conditions. You can also join our email list by contacting the office 644-2206.

Question of the Week: None submitted.

If you have a question of the week please email [email protected].