Viking View

KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP! Kindergarten Round-Up will be held at the Charlo School on Friday March 28th! Please call the office at 406-644-2206 to schedule an appointment. Incoming Kindergarteners need to be 5 years old by September 10, 2025.

Driver’s Ed Meeting: Mr. Bartschi will be holding a meeting for students interested in Driver’s Ed on Thursday, March 20th during Focus.

If you haven’t already, please pay Spring Sports participation fees. Thank you!

Quarter 3 ending soon! Please check your student’s grades on Infinite Campus so there are no surprises at the end of the quarter (March 27). If you need help with Infinite Campus, please call the office and we will get you taken care of.

Question of the Week: Why does the school pay for the Pep Band to travel to tournament games when we are looking at a budget deficit for next year?

Thank you for the question! The Pep Band is an important part of our school spirit, bringing energy and support to our Viking teams at tournament games. While we’re mindful of our budget, it’s important to note that the band funds their own travel and meals by running the concession stand throughout the year. Their hard work ensures that their trip doesn’t add to the district’s financial concerns.

Just like our athletes, the band puts in hours of practice and preparation. For them, these tournaments are more than just games—they’re a chance to showcase the skills they’ve been working on all year. Allowing them to travel is a way to recognize their dedication and celebrate their role in our school community while maintaining financial responsibility .

Communication is important to us and we want to answer your questions! If you have a question, please email it to [email protected].
